Nanomedicine: Vol I; and Vol IIA; by Robert Freitas.Nanomedicine Volume I, is a first of a kind. An archetype. But it’s much more than that, more than a book on technological therapies for illness, it stretches far beyond what we now know.
The table of contents (below) is extended in some detail by clicking
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1: The Prospect of Nanomedicine.
2: Pathways to Molecular.
3: Molecular Transport and Sortation.
4: Nanosensors and Nanoscale Scanning.
5: Shapes and Metamorthic Surfaces.
6: Power.
7: Communication.
8: Navigation.
9: Manipulation & Locomotion.
10: Other Basic Capabilities.
The reading material is, at its very least, a book that turns scientific dreams into facts.
It’s the foundation of Nanomedicine; the use, in medicine, of bacteria sized programmable machines, constructed using molecular nanotechnology.
It sets the limits and possibilities of how nanoscale robots (nanobots) may function in the repair, maintenance and eventual augmentation of the human body.
Nanomedicine will be of interest to physicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, bioengineers as well as nonscientists who wonder how advanced technology may be used to solve currently unsolved problems in medicine. Anyone who considers themselves a 'futurist' or who is interested in aspects of nanotechnology should consider the book 'required reading'.
Even individuals who doubt the possibility of molecular nanoassembly will find this series useful due to the quantity and diversity of material relating to computing, human physiology, molecular biology and nanoscale physics that are brought together.
And more:
In Vol IIA Freitas has turned out a remarkable volume of information. It is probably useful to have read Nanomedicine Volume 1 before reading Volume IIA, but Volume IIA can be read on its own particularly if one has a biological or medical education (I've not).
Its emphasis is on whether we can expect nanotechnology based devices to be able to operate within the human body, but it also deals with whether or not certain aspects of nanotechnology might be dangerous to biological life in general. I thought the aspects of the book that identified the areas where we lack knowledge at this time to be particularly useful.
For example, topics are pointed out that still need deep research. The book is excellent in suggesting solutions for problems we can anticipate at this time in the area of biocompatibility.
This work is particularly timely because groups such as the ETC Group and Greenpeace have recently released reports that might reflect negatively on nanotechnology. This book provides a partial basis for informed debate on the risks vs the benefits of nanotechnology.
Since medical applications of nanotechnology may save 100's of millions of lives annually; arguing against it requires very strong arguments. Anyone who has not read this book and attempts to criticize the development of nanotechnology for biological applications can probably be considered poorly informed.