Mechanics of Aging
and Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS).
Biological senescence is the process of cumulative changes to
molecular and cellular structures that interrupt metabolism with the passage of
time, resulting in gradual deterioration. This is characterized by
the declining ability to respond to stress, increased homeostatic imbalance,
and increased risk of aging-associated diseases.
quality to circumvent or prevent such senescence; where death only takes place through third party intervention
(disease, for example); is called ‘negligible
senescence.’ The question is, what if we could understand senescence mechanics in higher, more complex organisms, such a fish,
birds, manuals; even us Homo Sapiens? And then develop negligible senescence
therapies that could slow, and eventually halt aging?
there is one man to listen to here, Dr. Aubrey de Grey, a British biogerontologist, and his ‘strategies for engineered negligible senescence’ (SENS). Instead of merely elucidating the
biochemical processes or remodelling the symptoms of age related deterioration
(as in geriatrics), de Grey promotes a subsistence
engineering approach, that asks what are the main categories of age-related
biochemical damage, and how we can fix them?
de Grey uses an analogy here, ‘How
long does a house last? If you take care of the house diligently, and quickly
address any problem that comes up, the house can last indefinitely. If you
don't take care of it, it won't last very long.’ Clearly, like a house’s up keep, it is quite
impossible to eliminate all the sources of the ravages of time. But we are now
beginning to understand what and how damage occurs. And further still, how to
remedially reappear damage fast enough so it does not accumulate and cause
health problems.
What is DNA?
Reading a book like this,
you may be further along than a basic grasp of what DNA is. However, it is
the next level of comprehension where it begins to get interesting.
Remarkable, because DNA mechanics is simpler than most people assume.
DNA is a double helix string
made up of so-called nucleotide base-pairs A-T; C-G, that encode for all
living entities. A complete string of DNA is known as a Genotype.
Genotypes express specific body designs otherwise known as Phenotypes.
A willow tree or house fly are phenotypecal
designs expressed from a particular genotype.
From a genetic engineering
point of view, DNA is a kind of chemical software code, or
programming language for living things. Hence, stringing different DNA
base-pairs together in distinct ways, and different organism emerge. With one
sequence, a bacterium is the result. With another, an elephant. It is the same
with any subcomponent of life, all the way down to individual proteins.
De Grey describe these
causes of aging as the Seven Deadly
Things: (1) cell atrophy, (2) death resistant cells, (3) nuclear DNA
mutations,(4) mitochondrial DNA mutations, (5) intracellular junk, (6)
extracellular junk, and (7) extracellular crosslinks:
Cell atrophy.
Our bodies are programmed to replace cells when they expire, through constant
regeneration using our natural supply of stem cells. Some cells such as bone
last for years; others like blood cells, fade in weeks. In due course, the
processes of cell substitution begins to diminish. This phenomenon especially afflicts
the heart and brain; even muscle tone and mass. Clearly, this sets up a
diminishing returns loop. Our repair systems diminish because our cells are
replaced less efficiently. To repair this catch-22, two strategies are in
R&D: vitalising the division of existing cells or traducing new cells.
Death resistant cells. Stubborn, gatecrashers that extend their salutation.
There are three types of cell culpable here. The first are visceral fat cells. Cells that mount and accumulate around vital
organs. The net result is a deficiency in our body’s ability to make use of
nutrients from the stomach systems. Frequently leading to Type 2 Diabetes. The
second class are so-called senescent
cells, which have altogether lost their capacity to replicate. One fault of
these cells is that they release perished and damaging proteins to healthy
neighbouring cells. A third category is memory cytotoxic T cells. A kind of
immune cell that builds up faster than other immune cells, in turn bullying
other vital functional immune cells; ultimately causing disease. One solution
in R&D is to stimulate the body’s immune system sensitivity to target and
kill these kind of T cells.
Mutations in the DNA of a cell’s
nucleus. Mutations become dangerous
when they lead to malignant cells that self-replicate; a.k.a Cancer. One of de Grey’s preferred strategies
for rending such mutations soulless is Whole-body
Interdiction of Lengthening of Telomeres (WILT). Basically telomeres (a type of gene a region of repetitive nucleotide
sequences at each end of a chromatid,
which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with
neighboring chromosomes. Telomere regions deter the degradation of genes near the ends of
chromosomes by allowing chromosome ends to shorten, which necessarily occurs
during chromosome replication) need to be a certain length for a cell to
self-replicate. If the telomeres are too short, the cell goes into red alert
and self-destructs.
When cancer hijacks the body’s cells, the cancer cells replicate so
rapidly that their telomeres shorten quickly. But cancer cells have a devious
trick to avoid destruction. By using the host cell’s protein synthesis
machinery, they build enzymes that extend their telomeres, promoting incessant
self replication. The WILT strategy, removes the actual DNA that contain the
data essential to synthesize such enzymes…. Kurpow!
Eliminating the genes fundamental to the production of
telomeres means that
cancer cells will self-destruct before becoming life-threatening to the host,
effectively offering a solution for a cure cancer.
de Grey admits that
this is one of the most ambitious strategies of the SENS plan. The R&D here
has already had a degree of success in mice. But when this therapy is a proven
cure for cancer in mice, a therapy that works for humans will – it is felt – attract
huge moon-shot resources to achieve breakthroughs in drug design and
application therapies.
Mutations in the mitochondria. Mitochondria
is the Duracell Bunny of cells. Baton
shaped organelles, considered a cell’s power generator, converting oxygen and
nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the chemical energy currency that
drives a cell's metabolism.
Only, when a gene is
flawed or damaged, mitochondria crash and burn. Hence no fuel for the cell. One
problem is that mitochondrial DNA is especially susceptible to free radicals,
which compromises the DNA, potentially causing it to mutate.
Mitochondria are made
of many thousands of proteins. Fortunately, only 13 of the proteins are
manufactured using the DNA of the mitochondria itself. The rest are synthesized
in the nucleus and conveyored in. The answer is to move the critical genes from
the mitochondria to the nucleus of the cell. R&D is under way using lab
mice and experimental gene therapy to add supplementary genes, improving the
Intracellular junk. Cells synthesize, make use and dismantle many thousands of molecules
during the course of their life. But every so often a cell ends up with a rouge
molecule so huge or unusual that it has trouble breaking it up. If a molecule
cannot be broken, it stays there forever like a spanner in the work. Clearly,
in the case of eye or heart cell, and even some nerve cells, this can cause
life wrecking diseases such as Alzheimer’s, macular blindness, and
scheme to onslaught intracellular scrap, is to kit and fit an incinerator
enzyme called lysozyme with extra bespoke enzymes, increasing the variety of
molecules that it can torch, then lunching on and digest really odd or even super-large
Extracellular crosslinks. This is one of the most prevalent causes of age
related damage. Picture under an electron microscope mounds of latticed
molecular debris heaped up like a stinking rubbish tip on the surface cell. The
molecular mounds entangle healthy proteins that would otherwise glide over other
proteins. This leads to the most visible effects of aging such as rifts and
wrinkles in tissues. Only, such crosslinked molecules have highly differentiated
chemical structures than normal healthy tissue structures. One idea is to find
or create enzymes that picks out this differentiation, breaking down the extracellular crosslinks while leaving
the rest alone.
General extracellular junk. Superfluous molecule
junk that just drifts around like space debris. Such armloads are notably found
the brains of people with Alzheimer. Again R&D to stimulate the body’s
immune cells to clear out these molecules has a strong overlap between
treatments for Alzheimer’s and atherosclerosis and anti-aging treatments that
address this cause. So there seems significant momentum in the right direction
senescence is by far the leading cause of death. Greater than all current wars,
accidents, infectious disease, and congenital disorders. On the order of
150,000 people die each day, that is ~100,000 per day expire of age mechanics wearing
out. The big bottom line for all this clever, convoluted science, both
commercially and morally, is that if de Gray’s seven deadly things of aging were eliminated, people could live a
lot longer. If we R&D medicines and therapies that can clean up this
damage, we could extend our lifespan to great lengths and achieve negligible
senescence in humans.
From the standpoint of
the human body, aging is much like a disease. A life- demolishing biochemical trend.
And like most illness these days, aging is treatable. And this worldview is
primarily due to lack of precedent, the simple complexity, and the feeling of certainty
about aging that only quite lately we are starting to think of aging as a
de Gray again,‘By 2025, worldwide average life-span will be extended
by one year per year. Only 15 percent of deaths worldwide will be due to
naturally occurring infectious diseases. The race for genetic
enhancements will be what the Space Race was in the 20th Century. Genetic
therapies and biomedical enhancements will be a multibillion-dollar industry.
New techniques will enable doctors to change your DNA to revitalize old or
diseased organs, enhance your appearance, increase your athletic ability, or
boost your intelligence.’
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