MENA Scorpion Economies (Part-III)
A Sting in the Tale!

United Arab
Emirates continues to hold a robust economy, protected near zero sovereign debt
and by major overseas assets made possible during the period of rising oil
prices. In particular, the government has assured continued investment at high
levels, especially for long-term construction, communication and public
Middle East and
North Africa (MENA) countries – although some may say that North Africa is not
strictly in the Middle East – most people would know that they share close
cultural and religious ties. Nonetheless, according to The World Bank ‘sustaining
recovery and looking beyond,’ 2011 report, over the last decade the region
has expanded global trade, growing the share of world exports by some 20
percent. However, this is not enough for positive employment growth across the
total MENA region in the longer-term. Basically there is a need to progress up
the value chain and expand global reach.
wisdom informs that the region has restricted potential to export or achieve
economies of scale, consequently disabling expansion in global trade.
Traditional services such as hotels, restaurants and public administration,
remain somewhat nominal exportable services. But modern services such as third
party insurance, off shore call centres, logistics, transport and communication
services, however, can engage in export services as well as profit from
cost-reducing improvements and economies-of-scale.
The service
sector has been an important source of economic growth and employment
creation in MENA countries in recent years, indifferent to whether the country
was an oil importer or exporter. Manufacturing is beginning to make
reasonable economic contributions to growth in Tunisia, Iran, Egypt, Qatar and
Jordan; and moderate-to-good job creation in Algeria.
Yet when it
comes to manufacturing industry, it is not yet apparent that MENA would
possibly aim for the established Asian route of manufacturing-led economic
expansion. The World Bank continues:
‘However, this assessment bears watching
since MENA’s manufacturing sector, although representing a low share of value
added, compares favourably in size to East Asian countries at the time of their
growth takeoff half a century ago.
However, even though MENA countries attract
fairly modest foreign investment to manufacturing sectors compared to other
sectors, such capital infusions mould disproportionately more jobs than
overseas investment in other sectors. This suggests potential for MENA manufacturing
growth if the countries become more engaged in global trade and more open to
inflows of investments from abroad.
The bottom line? Nongovernment services and
manufacturing can serve as engines of both job creation and income growth in
MENA. However, the jury is still out on which of the two sectors will emerge as
a sustainable source of long term growth. The details of the respective country
policy reform programs will determine which, if either, of the two sectors
comes out on top.’
One of North
Africa’s great prides is the Moroccan economy; characterised by liberal free
market practices and governed by microeconomic market forces. It has
astonishing young population, with over half under the age of 25 year. Over the
last two decades the country has followed a policy of privatisation of broad
range of market sectors: Agriculture, Mining,
Fishing, Textile and Garment Products and
Tourism, to name a mere handful.
Aerospace industry, for example, is a fast growing
sector, with prominent firms such as Labinal, Teuchos, Aircelle,
DL Aerotechnologie, Safran Group, DAHER, EADS, Creuzet, setting up production
units in Casablanca and Tangier. Today, the sector is made of 50 companies,
providing 5000 jobs and has $394 million in revenues.
Automotive industry has had
long ties with France, prompting Renault's presence in Morocco through the L90
Project. The new Renault-Nissan plant in Tangier represents an investment of €1
billion. The new plant’s annual production capacity of 400,000 vehicles
will play a part in ensuring the continued success of the Entry range across
the world. The Tangier factory is
the world's first zero carbon and zero effluent automotive plant. It is
the southern Mediterranean basin's biggest automotive plant, with an estimated
total staff of more than 6,000 by 2015.
is Polydesign Systems (a branch of Polytech Netting), which relocated in
Morocco to supply Ford Motors in Spain and won over other markets of Renault
and PSA; currently representing 60 percent of turnover.
Telecommunications in
Morocco has also emerged as one of the fastest growing broadband Internet
markets in the world, growing at a rate of 200 percent by adding a total of
135,000 DSL lines, for a installed base of 179,000 lines.
The economy
is characterised by an openness and curiosity towards the world. With
particular attention to France, Morocco’s primary trade partner of Morocco.
France is also the primary foreign investor, which has given key economic
investment, especially in the automotive industry. The agricultural sector is
very diverse and manufacturing sector is has been developing steadily during
the last years, positioning Morocco as a major player in the world markets.
government vigorously encourage direct foreign investment, adopting a number of
initiatives intended to improve investment climate and turn Morocco into one of
the most business friendly countries in the world. As a result 120 Americans
firms, including Boeing, Dell, Proctor and Gamble, Coca-Cola, Time Warner are
operating in Morocco. Including in excess of 150 Moroccan businesses
representing hundreds of US products and services.
So for MENAs, they need to think about and act on both the
formulation of innovation strategies and direct investment in innovation
programs in the Middle East. Think of opportunities and threats, local and
global, the discontinuities and eventual disruptions, plot the trends and
forecast both the technological and market outcomes.
Build a culture
of learning and innovation so that fear of failure is circumvented; be bold in
small start project that scale-up to a disruptive proposition that owns the
market and becomes the archetype; build incubator models and infrastructure,
and arrange the capital investment streams and support initiatives.
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