Friday, 8 June 2012

Bill Gates has his own personal website. Focussing on multiple and often profound issues in Business, Technology and Innovation.

Known as 'The Gates Notes;' Willy B. Wonker Gates has recently put out a post on why one of my favorite firms - IdeaLab - have continued to innovate original business models that introduce both timely and germane product concepts, eye-widening service solutions and most dazzling interactive experiences.

It not just that the merchandise IdeaLab companies put out is great, and it's not alone that they treat failure as a true learning process (central to innovation); it's the consistency and unique way they do it that I find wholly inspiring.

Mr Gates begins to outlines this:

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Human memory, computer memory, and Memento

In the film Memento, a man cannot store new explicit memories -- like most AI software, says

John Laird, the John L. Tishman Professor of Engineering at the University of Michigan, who has written a new book — The Soar Cognitive Architecture, on Soar (state, operator, and result) a general problem solver — is featured in IEEE Spectrum’s “Techwise Conversations.”

Excerpts from the interview: in traditional rule-based systems, there’s not


Cleverly based!