Phone Hacking was not only inevitable given time, this is merely the beginning....But here’s a solution that may begin to address the problem!
Modern mobile phones are no longer phones!
In fact, the gadget we hold in our hand has now become a very powerful computer systems.
The device in question now includes such technologies as: operating systems, read-only-memory, high level and smart software, intelligent applications; along with the traditional kit that allows us to communicate around world at a press of button.
But most importantly, these electronic tools contain evermore powerful databases. Databases that are exponentially increasing in data storage capacity and flexibility.
And this is central here.
The databases hold much of the data about our personal lives. And as has been made clear in the news these past weeks, they are beginning to open to caldensdined factions.
Further, you can bet that those malevolent gangs and juvenile delinquents will begin to launch software apps that make remote Hacking ever easier.
Remember, a mere 10 years ago, cell-phone technology at this level of sophistication didn’t exist. And in as little 5 years from now the level sophistication in Smartphones (as we know them) will be orders of magnitude more powerful.
The phone will be a supercomputer in your grip.
Think of this: 40 years ago, the American early warning defence system, the Q7 Mainframe, took up the area the size of a football pitch. It had a huge, deep underground, temperature controlled, environment to accommodate it. A high-tech staff of many hundreds to control and support it. And the cost of design and maintainance of such a system took many billions of pounds.
Today, we have Smartphones! Smartphones in local shops that have 10,000 times the computing power of the Q7, and all for the price of £300.
And that’s the speed of the change!
You can perhaps see – just as with the long-established Personal Computer connected to the Internet – Hacking is going to spread rapidly into the public domain via the roughly 3 billion (so far) Smartphones that are out around the planet.
As I said, this was inevitable given time.
One solution is not to carry a Smartphone. But to uses a basic phone, and then too have a completely independent, not connectable, old fashioned device that can be used as a sophisticated database.
An even better technical solution to the Hacking Problem.
In fact, if Apple, Samsung, and the like, got their design hats on, they could readily design a Smart Communion Device with ‘3 Separate Systems in One Unit’ that would go some way to solving the problem.
As follows:
System 1 is the phone system, and there’s no reason way you cannot download functional applications like music, games, pictures, videos, etc, into this first system. This is because this information is either discreet (as in careful what you say) or innocuous data.
System 2 is the data message receive/send unit. This system can be secured via Public Key Encryption Algorithms (technology that give you the ability to authenticate data, keep unwanted information locked out. And data that can be securely sent to another peer.) Messages and media such as telephone numbers, personal messages, Facebook sessions, Groupon accounts, et al, can be securely stored.
System 3 is your physically separate multimedia database where you can store your privet records, where no one can get into the files, folders or accounts (as long as you use your P.I.N security lock). Nobody can get in because it is isolated electronically, magnetically and mechanically to the outside world.
It will mean that you will have to transfer long-term records (e.g.; recently received phone numbers, e-mails, diary accounts, etc) manually. But the price of doing this will be worth it. You will have a range productivity apps, like write to screen, diary, notebook, camera, video, etc. But only you will be able to view and download to local devices.
This will impede the potential theft of private and personal records, and therefore the further networking of salacious gossip; hinder the leaking of family and work information; put a road block on information based business espionage – and I have to say – prohibit the future disclosure of government and domestic security information.