Saturday, 16 July 2011

New Idea!...The Devils’ Advocate!!…. Not!!!

Why should you not assume the ‘Devil’s Advocate’ during a creativity session or when a new idea is first proposed?....

It’s often put forward when a new idea is shed, ‘Let me for a moment be the Devil’s Advocate.’

So....why should you not allow that to happen?

Because it assumes the most negative possible perspective, one that sees only the down side, the side, the problems, the disasters in the wings. And when that happens the rest of the pack follow suit, in turn adopt the killer instinct, and the new idea is drown in negativity.

So, if any one does say, ‘Hold on a moment, let me play Devil’s Advocate.’

The replay could be along the lines: ‘Well, I would welcome you to play an Angles Friend!’

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