Well, one of the first planned roads was the
Persian Royal Road, built by Darius I, in 500 B.C in what is now Iran. The
Royal Road was about 2,400-km long and stretched throughout ancient Persia. The
road was constructed for royal use, enabling Darius to keep up to date, communicate
orders, and to move goods needed by the royal court.
The reason I bring this up, is that I’ve noticed that Middle
Eastern technological achievements – first road - don’t get much attention in western
media or education. When the BRICS and E7 get tons. In fact, in the Pub the other night a conversion
broke out about it; where the overwhelming majority were adamant that the Middle
East had not achieved much technological ground at all.
Well, in fact, the Central East has a very long track history of technological
innovation! Air Conditioning that circulates cool air through the
building without any input of energy were incorporated in buildings as early as
3000 B.C. The irrigating Persian Wheel, a partly submerged vertical geared
wheel with containers attached filled and emptied into a trough that carried
water to crop fields. The original Postal System appeared in
the 6th Century BC Persian Empire. Parts of the postal system in fact outlived
the Persian Empire, continuing to operate in Egypt, where it was seen and
copied by Augustus, the first Emperor of Rome.
And perhaps we are seeing a return to this tradition of tech-innovation in the region:
For example, Terrain University is developing Surena, a humanoid robot:.Recent tests compared the performance of five world class robots: Asimo (Japan), Reem-B (Spain), Justin (German), Charli (US) including Surena (Iran). The tests – carried out by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) - placed Surena 2nd among the top 5 humanoid robots. Over 10,000 man-hours have been spent on the state-of-the-art robot.

there’s the State of Bahrain and their Economic Development Board supporting
the development of a prototype Nanotechnology Centre, supplying hands-on
products used in multiple market sectors such as motor transport, medicine and
construction. The centre aims to create a technological hub for scientific and
engineering breakthrough in the region with significant emphasis on molecular
nanotechnology. And it seems ironic that Silicone is one of the key materials
in nanotechnology production!

In Qatar, local banks have financed the first solar-grade polyslilcon production plant, a planned $1.1 billion, 8000-metric-ton facility being built by Qatar Electric and Water (QEWC) and Qatar Solar Technologies (QSTec), a joint venture of the Qatar Foundation. The mission to go from a carbon-based to knowledge-based energy.
My pondering here is that while we're steered by western media to look with mild anxiety at the tech-innovation and economic strides going on in China or Brazil or India; we tend to overlook what's going on in regions that are not so well highlighted (if at all) for technological ingenuity, like the Middle East.
And that begs another question: what's going on in Africa? My guess is that you're reflex - I wager - is like my friends in the Pub the other night!
My pondering here is that while we're steered by western media to look with mild anxiety at the tech-innovation and economic strides going on in China or Brazil or India; we tend to overlook what's going on in regions that are not so well highlighted (if at all) for technological ingenuity, like the Middle East.
And that begs another question: what's going on in Africa? My guess is that you're reflex - I wager - is like my friends in the Pub the other night!
All will be revealed in a
forthcoming post: as the Lions of Africa (as the Desert Foxes of the Central East)
are starting to hunt for technological prey!