Sunday, 24 June 2012

The Race to the Top.

Lord Sainsbury
The Race to the Top, a report by Lord Sainsbury, lays out a path for the UK's British economy to create Premium Higher Value through top-end innovation in manufacturing and industrial services.

Basically, it is what many have known and have touted for a long time. That cheap, bargain basement goods and services won't lead to a long-term financially sustainable, high growth economy. Britain has to go way up-market and into complex, supertech, premium and luxury markets. 

Great Britain must become the archetypal Rolls-Royce, Fortnum and Mason of the world. And let's face it, considering the UK's legacy, they are known around the world for their highest standards of excellence.

Read the proposal by clicking on the 'original report' and latter 'implementation plans.'

Click for Original Report.

Click for Implementation Plan.

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